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Collaboration in ECIU network

Important | 2022-06-10

Project Interdisciplinary Networking for a Sustainable and Circular Economy (INSCE) starts as it got the funding under the SMART-ER Seed Programme. Project partners are Kaunas University of Technology, Linköping University, Tampere University, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

The vision of this project is to create an interdisciplinary network for a sustainable and circular economy that focuses on effective solutions and how to make them efficient from a societal perspective. The goal is to organize a series of events designed to foster cooperation and co‐creation among ECIU universities and to expand the knowledge of academic staff by sharing interdisciplinary experiences and disseminating knowledge about relevant and future research regarding circular economy and sustainability issues. This aims to get acquainted with and share best practices and establish and strengthen relations and collaboration, something that will form a foundation for future consolidated research projects and articles in the sustainable and circular economy field.

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